Ruby On Ales Day 1
Opensource Survival Guide
- @blowmage
- Slides
- 3 types of users
- maintainers
- typically at mastery level
- collaborators
- consumers
- maintainers
- Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition
- novice
- rigid adherence to rules, rote recetitation
- competence
- situational perception, all work equal important
- proficiency
- coping with crowdedness (more things than able to do)
- actions in relation to goals
- planning, routines
- expertise
- holistic view
- prioritization
- own path
- mastery
- trancend reliance on rules, guidelines
- deep, tacit understanding
- based on experience, instinct
- what is possible
- analytical approach
- novice
- documentation
- readme
- guides
- screencasts
- examples
- can typically teach down 1 or 2 levels from current
- just hard to know context/view
- effort to do whatever documentation possible, so each level can continue
- encouraging contrib
- add a CONTRIBUTING file, and explain setting up dev env, contacting maintainers, running tests, code conventions/style requirements, etc
- rubocop, CI, issue labels (help wanted, easy, docs, etc)
- vagrant/docker
- beginner friendly usergroups
- LA ROR study groups?
- communication
- remote, different skills. technical writing, tone
- “The Box” - Leadership and Self Deception (book)
- self-deception
- applies to any team
- concentration on not justifying
- step outside box, reconsider situation
- be truthful
- pairing - screenhero
- encourage team to contrib opensource - learn how to contribute (get over intimidation as a group)
- RubyTogether - official 501c6 trade org - support OSS
Including People
- @indirect - Andre Arko
- ruby weird reputation of sexist dudebros?
- old reputation, maybe from early rails?
- not diversity, inclusion
- bias and exclusion problem
- How to include
- Code of Conduct
- docs (dev and end user)
- issue acceptance
- support is voice of users
- how to involve contributors
- ask people for help
- pairing
- ask lots of questions, be honest about whats hard
- respect and empathy
- similar to the first talk, but still good
- more of an experience based talk. Andre works on Bundler
- @habitmelon
- Slides
- Code
- Geometry rules define space
- Model Universe, Rules, Objects
- Can model 2 body but not 3
- Lots of the math of vectors, etc, explaining what the ruby ended up being
- links have the code, which is pushing to a websocket server for realtime position rendering. Kind of a fun idea
- @erniemiller
- LivingSocial alums
- interactive presentation (websocket omg)
- users make choices, changes the preso
- choices have consequences
- loss aversion
- easy to get distracted from important choices
- intentionality - choose your choices.
- good think-piece on making choices
- could be very interesting elixir code
Writing a test framework from scratch
- @the_zenspider
- github/zenspider
- Code
- microtest - walk through quick test runner
- Done > Good - can make good later
- good walkthrough of refining an idea
- pretty quick walkthrough of how minitest works, how test framework works
Self teaching for developers
- Aja Hammerly
- @thagomizer_rb - github/thagomizer
- learn
- learn hard stuff
- ‘thinky’ stuff - ideas not skills
- build scaffolds for learning more
- MOOCS - online courses
- coursera, itunesU, etc
- video, forums, homework, quizzes, tests, structured, vetted. time consuming, feel like school
- read the syllabus
- be realistic about time
- Study Groups
- rosalind, exercism, project euler
- books
- exercises
- onine content
- Elements of Computing Systems - Nisan and Shocken
- Clause and Efect - Clocksin
- The Pragmatic Programmer - Hunt and Thomas
- talks
- prolog
- teach right after/during learnings
- do talks, meet people, get jobs
- tips: topic, you want to give. keep simple.
- hack week
- team building
- protyping
- learning time
- read, hack, watch video
- dedicated time
- good ideas for team building, projects, etc
- also for personal learning